Maintaining T Type History – the role of the T Register Historian
If you have read the home page of this T Register website you will have realised that the primary focus of the T Register is the cars, to keep a record of their provenance and participation in historical events. Members are members of the MG Car Club and the T Register is provided as a sub-section for their interest in MG T Types. Hence the role of the T Register Historian.
The main duties of the T Register Historian are:
1. The collection and storage of individual Car History records in chassis number order. These come in a variety of forms – Register surveys, magazine articles, copies of old style log books and B.M.I.Heritage sheets, extracts from club membership applications, for sale advertisements but in the main research submitted by owners.
2. The upkeep and development of the hard copy Photograph Archive for each of the T-Series models. Each photograph is identified by chassis number, T Register number, owner and date taken etc.
3. Research into historically famous T Series cars such as the Works TA Cream Cracker Trials Teams, cars known to have had famous owners or to have provided a significant benchmark in the history of T Series models.
4. Gathering information and compiling records of documents relating to the activities of the MG Car Company during the period 1936-1955. 5. Building up and maintaining information about specialised aspects of T- Series cars such as one off or special bodied cars, police cars and cars with a competition history etc.
These duties require close liaison with each of the Registrars to ensure the exchange and share of information as it becomes available. The Historian, John Ward, welcomes input and contributions from past and present owners in the form of car histories, photographs and historical documentation of anything T type. His contact details are available on the Contacts page.