
T Register 2020 Events Reports

Here are all the reports of the T Register’s 2020 Events. They appear in reverse date order so the latest report is at the top of the page.

T Register at MGCC SE Centre Autumn Gathering

13 September 2020

T Types celebrating 75 years of the TC at Leonardslee House

The MGCC South East Centre Autumn Meeting was held on 13th September 2020 at Leonardslee Lake and Gardens, with a big emphasis on COVID-19 compliance being in place.

There were two Touring Assemblies starting at Denbies Wine Estate near Dorking in Surrey, and Polhill Garden Centre just north of Sevenoaks in Kent. There were 121 car registrations, including 18 T Types which celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the introduction of the TC.

An enormous amount of planning went into the event, courtesy of John Morgan and his team. Everyone followed the COVID Guidance and John says the extent of appreciation from members for the event was unprecedented.

Planning started with the submission of an event plan to Motorsport UK to ensure proposed arrangements complied with the Guidance issued for COVID-19. Once agreed, Action Plans, Risk Assessment, Registration and Declaration/Signing-on documents were produced and the Touring Assembly Routes agreed with the County Route Liaison Officers. Finally the Certificate of Exemption was issued by Motorsport UK.

All event Registration, Declaration/Signing-on and entry fee payments were completed pre-event with 90% being completed electronically, based on the Motorsport UK template detailing all the Motorsport UK Guidance and recording full details of driver, passengers and vehicle for Track and Trace records.

All marshals remained socially distanced at all times and Hi-Vis, face masks/visors were available where required by the marshals for safe working. No paperwork was issued or exchanged with entrants on the day. Entrants at the run starts and venue entry were verbally verified against the registration schedule before being allowed to take part or enter the MG parking area at the venue. All cars were parked ‘socially distanced’ with one clear parking bay space between each car. In addition to the entry control and parking marshals, a COVID-19 marshal in distinctive Hi-Vis patrolled the venue MG parking to ensure entrants did not compromise either social distancing or a maximum group size of 6 people. The event ran exactly as defined in the approved Event Plan and Risk Assessment with no adverse occurrences to record.

A strange kind of report for an MG Car Club event, but informative for future events that might be held. You can see photos of the event below for which many thanks are due to Tim Morris, William Opie and John Morgan.

T Register Rebuild 2020

18 April 2020

Well, not quite the usual report because of course Rebuild was cancelled due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but to (slightly) compensate, we have put together a video of clips taken at previous Rebuild events during the last decade.
The clips include Steve Baker, Graham Robson, Alastair Naylor, Guy Lachlan of Classic Oils, Tom Wilson of Ohio USA, Kenji Matsuoka of Kobe MG Car Club Japan and George Edney.

T Register at the Stoneleigh MG and Triumph Spares Day

9 February 2020

The T Register stand at the Stoneleigh Spares Day Feb 2020

The MG and Triumph Spares Day at Stoneleigh this year took place on The Day of the Storm and it very window and a bit wet on the way there, absolutely poured it down in the early afternoon, and was very windy and very wet on the way back. All-in-all, not unusual weather for Stoneleigh, but at least it was warm …
The consequence was that there was even less T Types parked in the cowsheds than unusual – ie none, but there was one brave Y Type. And probably because of the weather, the show seemed less crowded than usual and lots of visitors were heading home by just after lunchtime.

T Type rev counters and tachometers for sale

There seemed to be less individual traders present than in previous years: notable absences included Brown and Gammons, Hi-Gear Engineering and Tim Hodgekiss who always has a great selection of electrical and ignition spares.
However the T Register did a great trade in Regalia much to the satisfaction of our Treasurer, the stand was busy enough and as always, it was great to meet up with MG acquaintances old and new. You can see an album of photos on the T Register’s Facebook page and there’s a video below of the event.