Social Runs Guidance
The proposed Social Runs will be in accordance with the guidance provided by the Motorsport UK (MSUK) and MGCC. To ensure a proposed Social Run does not come within the MSUK definition of a ‘Touring Assembly’ or ‘Competitive Event’ where a ‘Certificate of Exemption’ may be required, the following criteria should be followed:
It must be non-competitive. No prizes or awards to be given. No speed limits or timings to be set. Limited to twelve cars or fewer
A Social Run has one overarching objective ie. to travel by road in company with others to a pre-determined destination.
The idea is for MGA’s within a local area to get out for a day’s drive or over a weekend. In promoting these Social Runs the MGA Register will support local organisers who take the initiative to arrange such a run. To keep the Social Run local it is not envisaged that long travelling distances would be required to reach the starting point for the Social Run. The guidance is that up to 20 miles is viewed as reasonable for the run to be regarded as local.

A Social Run should not inconvenience other road users and, as a courtesy, travelling in a close convoy is to be avoided. The arrangement for a meeting place or lunch stop may have a suggested route but not to be prescribed as ‘a must follow’. The alternative of following the leader may lead to the close convoy situation. Therefore the route planning is flexible and can be whatever best suits the organiser, local roads and participants.
This will be a great opportunity to encourage MGA owners, who may not be an MGCC member or have not taken part in one of the MGA Tours in the past, to become involved and take part in one of our future tours. This may lead to new members and demonstrate that the MGCC and in particular the MGA Register is – The Marque of Friendship