
MGF & TF Register


Website: www.mgfregister.org
Microsite: www.mgcc.co.uk/mgf-register/

So what is the MGF Register all about? We have three main objectives. First is the register’s traditional role – that serving a social function – getting fellow members to meet one another, all in the name of enjoying your MG. Second is what the various registers in the MG car club were set up to perform: to keep a record of all cars that pass through the register, and record information on interesting and historically relevant MGs.

The final function is to act as a focal point for members who are having problems with their cars can come for advice. Whilst we may not always know the answer to your queries, we’ll probably know of someone who can. Read more about the aims and objectives of the MGF Register, and the definition of the roles of the committee members, click here.

Useful MGF Register contact addresses:

All the members of the MGF Register committee and local representatives have email addresses – and these can be found in our full directory listing. However, a quick listing of useful addresses are listed below:

The committee chairman – chair@mgfregister.org.
If you want to submit pictures or articles for inclusion in Safety Fast!, contact our scribe – scribe@mgfregister.org.
Got a problem with your MGF? Contact – technical@mgfregister.org.
Want information about forthcoming events, or are interested in organising your own? Then talk to mgf.events@mgfregister.org
Want to contact our membership secretary? Contact members@mgfregister.org
Want to contact our vehicle registration registar? Contact registrar@mgfregister.org
Want to contact our webmaster? Contact webmaster@mgfregister.org